Tuesday, 25 July 2017

The Boathouse, Palm Beach

After my last 8 week challenge, I’ve seen and loved the results that the high intensity training can give. But there is still a part of me that would love to just get a little normal cardio in. I’m not one that loves running as such, so I’ve decided that I’ll add in a few walks over the weekend to get that part of me out of the way.

So, a visit to palm beach was made for the walk up to the lighthouse. Though, it was short, the hill was steep. Healthy? Perhaps not so much when I was puffing mid-way, but it’s a sign that I have made the right choice to incorporate some cardio into my training.

BUT what is an adventure if there is no food involved. A visit to The Boathouse was on the list. Life is all about balance.

While there were clear blue skies and a great amount of sun, the late morning still had quite a cool breeze. Sitting at the back, we faced the jetty hugging our warm beverages, as we waited for our food to arrive.

Fried eggs with bacon and roast tomato $19 | pork sausages +$4

Everything looked so good, what should I order? I opted for going a little cheeky and ordered the fried eggs with bacon and roast tomato and threw in a side of pork sausages for good measure. Two eggs, the top was overcooked as I suspect sitting under the heat light may have cooked it, the second offered me a little runny yolk. The bacon crispy, the pork sausages a little on the salty side, and the roasted tomato help break up the dryness.

Whale Beach Museli $17

The museli bowl looked simply delectable, the colours so vibrant making the chilly winter morning almost look like summer (in the photos).

With brunch done, we walked up the steep heel (because I’m the type of girl that would slip, fall and break her head) over the narrow stairs that was over packed with people. The weather had warmed up, and the view was breath taking. It was a perfect winter’s day.

Palm Beach aka Summer Bay behind me
Have you got any nice and pretty walks you would recommend me, of course with good eatery close by.

I hadn’t intended to do any video footage, but decided to try my Nikon D5000  for video footage, so got a little “creative” and didn’t manage to get enough to make a better video. But check it out anyways.


  1. Bah!!! I used to love the Boathouse but they've definitely gone downhill these past few years. Such a freaking gorgeous spot though. That walk is a killer, the first time I did it. I did it in thongs. I don't recommend that, haha

  2. Nice post!!!This looks great and Photos are stunning!thanks for sharing.
