Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Driving out the darkness

Mood: Satisfied

How fast is this year passing us by? It’s already February, where did January go? So, just before Christmas I started to have this thing with candles.

And by pure coincidence, over Christmas I received two candles as gifts and it sent me over to the moon and back.

Each time I light my candle; I watch the wick light up then the flame grow. I spare myself a few extra seconds to take in the quick aroma hitting my senses and the flickering flame.

It is then I am reminded of a saying from Martin Luther King Jr. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that”. I don’t even know why it comes to mind when lighting my candle has nothing to do with giving me light…

So, why I bring up candles is because when I want to know if anyone else out there has a theory or believes that candles has some sort of effect on your skin or eczema? As my skin has still been going on roller coasters, and my mother suggested that my skin could have been dry due to lighting candles … ?

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So, from last week – I said I was going to start on the 30-day squat challenge. I won’t keep his too long by updating my everyday’s workout session. But I am so proud to say that I have actually kept up with it! I have not skipped a day thus far!! Today is now my 7th day!

Apart from being so proud of myself (if I must say so myself), my legs aren’t in cripple state, and I can still walk. Walking up the stairs does feel tiring, but hey, it’s a good sign…

I admit, by the end – my squats may not be as low as when I first start … opps?

No pain, no gain …

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