Tuesday, 25 March 2014

In need to find my zen ...

Mood: Crowded

You know when you have those days where you feel like you’re crowded with people, feelings, events, and all sorts of things …oh wait, that’s just life.

It makes me want to step away and seclude myself, to just spend some quality time with me, myself and I. 

I want to jump in my car and drive away, I want to hop on a plane and fly away … 

Bukchon Village in Seoul back in 2012

… but ironically, the reality of life will not allow me to do that. 

One of the many people I hold dear, FPR has been telling me about how she has taken on meditation and have simply loved it. So, it seems to all be happening all so conveniently for me now, when she kindly linked me with their upcoming FREE meditation program! I didn't even look further into it, and I found myself signing up to the Finding Your Flow 21 day meditation experience.

I must say, I am actually excited for when this starts on 14th April 2014. Perhaps giving myself that little time to meditate can help me ease this ‘crowded’ feeling. Not only is it free, but she tells me that Oprah talks to you, and only you. Given that you don't share this moment with someone else.

Maybe this can help me get in touch with my zen, be able to know how to control situations and emotions…  

Sometimes you just need to take a step back and reassess the whole situation.

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