Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Meditation day 1: Finding Security

Mood: Relaxed

So, last night Oprah and Deepak’s 21 day meditation challenge finally started and I was super ecstatic over the weekend! I mean, I have done meditation before at my old gym – they only offered a Sunday morning session… so I always seemed to fall asleep from being so relaxed with the instructor’s soothing voice. I guess I never fully grasped meditation properly because last night was AMAZING!

Well, so I pressed play and instantly closed my eyes getting completely ready for the meditation only to realize a couple of minutes in that it was not yet necessary. But it took me out of my physical space and into an unknown world with just Oprah talking to me, and the Deepak.

Yes, my mind was not entirely focused for the whole time, but as advised by Deepak, repeating the mantra helped bring me back into controlling my mind.

At one point, I was so relaxed that I felt like I could not feel my own body, as if my soul had been uplifted from me. Then the worst part happened, the bell at the end …

I was so calm and collected and the DONG and I felt my body instantly wake. I’m not too sure how to explain that feeling … but it was like the bell was calling for my soul to return to my body, weird analogy…

I have heard that it is best to meditate in the morning, and it would be as Deepak gives you a brief on what you can focus on for the day. But unfortunately the meditation runs with the US time, so we only get access to the meditations later in the day.

But it’s a nice way to relax before bed time?

AND what’s awesome is, it’s not too late to sign up now!! You can still sign up, you can have a maximum of 5 days being behind with the meditation!


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